Marion Barry, four-term mayor of Washington, has died.
Ethel Payne crossed his path several times. Here is an excerpt from EYE ON
THE STRUGGLE about one such encounter late in her life. The Capital Press
club mentioned here was an African-American alternative to the National Press
Club, which did not then accept black members until 1955.
Pages 376-377
But the cane-toting Payne remained a reporter to the
last. Mayor Marion Barry, once a well-known and militant civil rights leader,
was in his third term as mayor of Washington, DC. The city government was in
shambles and the murder rate had reached record levels. Under investigation for
his connections to a drug suspect, Barry continued to vehemently deny his
not-yet-publicly-known addiction to cocaine. He agreed to speak to the Capital
Press Club, perhaps believing he would avoid the kind of questioning he had
been receiving from the white media.